Artist | actress | theatre maker
The Gift
This image developed in my imagination while listening to a TED podcast with Elizabeth Gilbert author of ‘Eat, Pray, Love’, ‘Big Magic’ and ‘City of Girls’.
In the interview Elizabeth says:
“I think that art and creativity have always been a conversation between a human being and a mystery, a mystery that they wanted to connect to. And that mystery is called "inspiration," which literally means "the in breath."
The thought that ideas are willing themselves into existence fascinated me and I hope this image encapsulates that. The butterflies represent a myriad of ideas floating just above our heads, close enough to touch. There are those that don't work out, those that never land and those stubborn ideas that won't leave us until they are fully realised. The blindfold symbolises trust and self awareness in this moment. There is something metaphysical about inspiration too, perhaps in it’s mystery and intangibility, which is reflected here in the pose. While it is a moment that transcends the physical it must also be practiced, so that the next time it comes more easily.
Before the dawn
Before the dawn is for women.
This image burned within me for months. During 2021 I read story after story of women being murdered, raped, abused, blamed, undermined, gaslighted and shamed. As a sense of powerless grew within my soul so did the idea for this work.
The octopus represents the threat, the unknown, that which would pull us under. And the candle represents the sacred, untouchable part of us that will never give up hope. The flame that will never die. The dawn is coming and we will fight another day.
This one's for every amazing woman in the world. Whoever you are, whatever you have been through, whatever you do. Here’s to women, whose strength is power within, not power over.
“The darkest hour of the darkest night comes right before the dawn”
Hadestown - Anais Mitchell

Paradigm of the Butterfly was created in response to the artists’ self isolation during Covid-19. The series explores cycles, metamorphosis and transformation in isolation.
During the first Covid-19 lockdown in Australia in 2020 Louise created a series of 5 composite images inspired by the theme of self isolation. In Paradigm of the butterfly Louise juxtaposes her experience of Covid-19 and the transformative cycle of the butterfly. Metamorphosis of any kind is complex and traumatic. In this series of images the viewer is taken on a journey from status quo, to isolation, the necessary mess and pain of chaos, the release of what is no longer needed and finally the return, to share the journey.

Beige Chair won the Emergent Designs Award at the Mullins Australian Conceptual Photography Prize in 2020 and The Little Mermaid won the Mandjar Art Awards at MANPAC also in 2020. Both images are part of separate series. One exploring the artist’s grief over losing her father and the other anxiety, for future generations in a world of climate change.